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When you use our services, you trust us with your information. We understand this is a big responsibility
and work hard to protect your information and put you in control.
This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it, and
how you can manage your information.
This privacy policy applies to the use of all websites operated by Vision Fairs Co. (“Vision Fairs”) on which
it appears (“Websites”). References to “we”, “our” and “us” are references to Vision Fairs.
Vision Fairs is committed to safeguarding the privacy of the users of the Websites, while providing a
service which is tailored to suit your needs. We endeavor to ensure that all information from which you
can be identified (“Personal Information”) provided to, or otherwise obtained by, us is handled in
accordance with the Egyptian Data Protection Law No. 151, published in July 2020, and which took effect
in October 2020. Please take a moment to read our Privacy Policy as it (together with Vision Fairs’ general
terms and conditions) sets out the basis on which any Personal Information Vision Fairs collects from
you, or that you provide to Vision Fairs, will be processed by Vision Fairs. By visiting any of the Websites,
you are agreeing with the practices described in this Privacy Policy.
Vision Fairs reserves the right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time. Vision Fairs
will post any changes on this page. Please check back to see any updates.
If you do not agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy or any changes to it, please do not use or access (or
continue to use or access) the Websites and/or Vision Fairs’ services.
For the purpose of the Data Protection law, the data controller is Vision Fairs Co. of 50 Shooting Club str.,
Dokki, 11411, Giza, Egypt in respect of any Personal Information that you provide to us, or we otherwise
obtain about you.
1. What information does Vision Fairs hold about you and how is it collected?
If you, for example:
• register;
• search for a service;
• place an order for a brochure or other materials;
• enter a survey;
• post content;
• communicate with any third party; or
• report a problem with any of the Websites,
on or via any of the Websites, some, or all of your personal information (including your name, job title, job
function, company’s name, telephone, fax and mobile numbers, postal and email address, the industry you
work in and your area of interest) may be collected by Vision Fairs. We also collect personal information
from you when you contact us (by email or otherwise).
In addition, and in common with many other websites and online services, we may use “cookies” to store
and sometimes track information about you, such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address. A cookie is a
small amount of data sent from the server which is stored on your PC’s hard drive. You may see a
message on our Websites before we store a cookie on your computer which describes the types of
cookies we use and what information they might collect. We may also use banners and pop-ups from time
to time to give you options around cookies use. You can also set your browser to refuse cookies or ask
your browser to show you where cookies have been set up. Please note however that certain services are
only activated by the presence of a cookie and, if you choose to reject the cookie, a particular on-line
feature may not be available to you. You can learn more about cookies here.
A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than information
about how you use the Websites and the data you choose to share with us (including data you
automatically share with us by way of your browser settings). We use the following cookies:
• Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of our
Websites. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our
website, use a shopping cart or make use of e-billing services.
• Analytical/performance cookies. They allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors
and to see how visitors move around the Websites when they are using it. This helps us to
improve the way the Websites work, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they
are looking for easily.
• Functionality cookies. These are used to recognize you when you return to the Websites. This
enables us to personalize our content for you, greet you by name and remember your
preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).
• Targeting cookies. These cookies record your visit to the Websites, the pages you have visited
and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make the Websites and the
advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information
with third parties for this purpose.
You can find more information about the individual cookies we use and the purposes for which we use
them in the table below:
Cookie Cookie Type Purpose More
Google Analytics /
/ Targeting
Google Analytics is a web analytics service
provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics sets
cookies to allow us to evaluate and report on the
use of our website. It is widely used across the
web and all data is anonymized meaning the
cookies carry no personally identifiable
information. These cookies help us to understand
our visitors’ behavior and allow us to make
improvements to better our user’s experience.
Vision Fairs may use Google Analytics for the
following purposes:
• Remarketing (serving ads on 3rd party
websites). Vision Fairs and 3rd-party
vendors, including Google, use cookies
to serve and target ads based on past
visits and interactions with our website.
• Google Display Network Impression
Reporting. Vision Fairs and 3rd-party
vendors use cookies to understand and
report on how ad impressions,
interactions with ads and other ad
services are related to visits to our
• Google Analytics Demographics and
Interest Reporting. Vision Fairs use
information from Google’s Interestbased advertising or 3rd-party audience
data (such as gender, age and
interests) with Google Analytics to
influence our marketing strategy.
Personal information is not captured
unless expressly provided by the user.
You may opt out
of the Google
through Ads
Settings in your
Google Account.
You may also
opt out of
Analytics using
this browser adon
Pardot Analytical /
/ Targeting /
Pardot enables Vision Fairs to plan and execute
campaigns while delivering
a personalized customer experience for our
customers and prospects.
When you first visit a Vision Fairs website, a thirdparty cookie from pardot.com is stored in your
browser. This cookie is then used to track the
pages that you visit during your session. Whilst the
cookie may be used across many sites, the
information collected is visible only to Vision
Although this cookie does not contain any
personal information about you specifically, if you
choose to fill out a form on our site then we will
link your personal information (including but not
limited to what operating system you are using, IP
address, cookie information, time stamp, and
clickstream information) to the browsing
information associated with the Pardot cookie on
your browser. This information is only gathered
while you are on Vision Fairs websites but cannot
and will not gather information about other thirdparty sites that you have visited.
Doubleclick Targeting Vision Fairs use DoubleClick to make advertising
more relevant to our customers and prospectus,
improve reporting on campaign performance, and
avoid showing ads that the web visitor has already
seen. No personally identifiable information is
stored by DoubleClick in the cookie.
information on
Lead Forensics Analytical /
We may use Lead Forensics for identifying the
companies that visit Vision Fairs websites. Lead
Forensics uses IP address data that is available in
the public domain. We cannot see which individual
has visited the website as no personally
identifiable information is captured.
For more
information on
Lead Forensics
cookies, please
refer to Lead
Privacy Policy.
Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, and
Analytical /
We use social media cookies and pixels to show
our customers, prospects and web visitors
personalized ads both on and off social media
platforms, including interest-based targeting and
remarketing. Some of our pages use social media
buttons or feeds. Social media platforms may set
several cookies for these components.
For more
information on
social media
cookies, please
Privacy Policy
Twitter’s Privacy
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Hotjar Analytical Hotjar is an analytics and feedback tool that we
use to understand how our website is used and
improve usability. Hotjar sets cookies to help us
information on
Hotjar cookies
track behaviour across pages and to control visitor
polls. No personally identifiable information is
stored by Hotjar in the cookie.
Wisepops Analytical /
WisePops is a tool to build and serve intelligent
website popups and exit popups. It uses a cookie
to prevent the same message being shown more
than once. We do not capture personal data in the
pop ups. No personally identifiable information is
stored by Wisepops in the cookie.
More about
ASP.NET Functional Allows us to use our site in a way that makes your
browsing experience more convenient. If you
register with us or complete our online forms, we
will use cookies to remember your details during
your current visit, and any future visits provided the
cookie was not deleted in the interim
IIS server
Piwik Pro Functional /
Estimate our audience size and usage pattern Opt-out link
Amp-access Functional Allows us to use our site in a way that makes your
browsing experience more convenient. If you
register with us or complete our online forms, we
will use cookies to remember your details during
your current visit, and any future visits provided the
cookie was not deleted in the interim
Google AMP
Regarding each of your visits to the Websites we may automatically collect the following information:
• your browser type and version;
• time zone setting;
• browser plug-in types; and
• versions, operating system, and platform.
We may also collect information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL),
clickstream to, through and from the Websites (including date and time), services you viewed or searched
for, page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information
(such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.
You may opt out of the Google Analytics Display Advertiser Features through Ads Settings in your Google
Account. You may also opt out of Google Analytics using this browser ad-on
2. 2 Personal Information that we receive from other sources
We may collect Personal Information about you from publicly available sources (either ourselves or via
third parties) in connection with our legitimate business interests.
We may also receive information from third parties who collect Personal Information from you and pass it
on to us. To the extent necessary, the third party collecting this data is responsible for obtaining the
relevant consent from you to ensure you are happy with the ways in which your Personal Information will
be used.
3. What does Vision Fairs do with your personal information?
We will only use your Personal Information (including information we receive from other sources) in the
following ways (depending on the types of information): (i) so that we can perform a contract with you; (ii)
for the purposes of legal compliance; and (iii) for the purposes of our legitimate business interests
(namely to carry out and improve our business, analyze the use of our Websites and services and support
our customers and Website users).
All of the Personal Information described above will be stored on Vision Fairs’ user database (unless you
notify us that you no longer wish us to retain such information, in which case it will be deleted). Vision
Fairs will only use your Personal Information to contact you (for example by email, mail or telephone) for
those purposes to which you have previously consented on the site or where we otherwise have a right to
do so. For example, if you register on the site, Vision Fairs will email you Vision Fairs’ newsletter and, if
you wish, contact you about relevant products and services offered by Vision Fairs or by reputable third
parties. Vision Fairs will also contact you to market its products and/or services where it has obtained
your details during a sale of any of its products or services. If you do not wish to receive information
about Vision Fairs’ and/or third parties’ products and services, please indicate your preference via the
“subscription preferences” link at the bottom of the home page. You may cancel your subscription to
Vision Fairs’ newsletter at any time by clicking on the link at the foot of any edition of the newsletter or
marketing communication.
Should you request us to amend or suppress records containing your information we will endeavor to do
so as promptly as practical, however you may receive communications for a transitional period while we
process the records.
Vision Fairs will also use the information which you provide in aggregate form (i.e., so that no individual
users are identifiable) to determine demographic profiles and browsing patterns to:
• develop marketing profiles and assist strategic development;
• manage Vision Fairs’ relationship with its sponsors and advertisers;
• enable site audits to be performed; and
• enable Vision Fairs to review, develop and improve the services which it offers.
In addition, Vision Fairs will use your information to notify you about changes to our services.
Vision Fairs will also use the Personal Information collected from your use of the Websites to administer
the Websites and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research,
statistical and survey purposes, to improve our site to ensure that content is presented in the most
effective manner for you and for your computer, to allow you to participate in interactive features of our
service, when you choose to do so, as part of our efforts to keep the Websites safe and secure, to
measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising we serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant
advertising to you, and to make suggestions and recommendations to you and other users of our site
about goods or services that may interest you or them.
4. Keeping your personal information up to date
We take all reasonable action to ensure that the information we collect, and use is accurate, complete and
up to date.
However, the accuracy of the information depends to a large extent on the information you provide. That’s
why we recommend that you:
• Keep us up to date with changes to your information such as your name and address; and
• Let us know if there are any errors in the information.
You have the right to see the Personal Information we hold about you and to ask us to: (a) make any
changes to ensure that any Personal Information we hold about you is accurate and up to date; (b) erase
or stop processing any Personal Information we hold about you where there is no longer a legal ground
for us to hold it; or (c) transfer any information we hold about you to a specified third party. If you wish to
do this, please contact us using the contact details set out at section 9 below.
5. To whom is your personal information disclosed?
Each Vision Fairs entity will share your Personal Information with the other members of its group which
means its subsidiaries, ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries and (if you consented to receiving
marketing from such third parties) will make your name and postal address available to reputable third
parties so that they can send you details of their products and services.
In supplying Vision Fairs withallPersonal Information, you agree that Vision Fairs may transfer that
information (to the extent that it is still held on our database at the relevant time) to a third party who
acquires all or substantially all of any Vision Fairs entity’s assets or stock or our Website services, or to a
third party which we purchase or from which we acquire substantially all of its assets or stock, in each
case whether by merger, acquisition, reorganization or otherwise.
Vision Fairs will also share your Personal Information with selected third parties including business
partners, suppliers and sub-contractors for the performance of any contract it enters into with them or
you, and/or, to the extent you have expressly consented (by ticking the relevant box on the registration
form), to advertisers and advertising networks that require your data to select and serve relevant adverts
to you and others.
Attendance at a physical event
To gain access to the event, you will be issued with a badge. This will detail your name, job title, company
name, country and a QR code. Badge scanning technology may be used at events for the purposes of
access control and security into the event itself, and for location information at areas with the event.
Exhibitors may also ask to scan your badge. By agreeing to allow them to scan your badge your contact
details will be shared with the relevant exhibitor and used in accordance with applicable data protection
laws and the exhibitor’s privacy policy.
6. When does this Privacy Policy not apply?
This Privacy Policy only applies to the collection and use of data by Vision Fairs. It does not cover third
party sites to which we provide links. Those sites may have their own privacy policies. Please check these
policies before you submit any Personal Information to these websites.
7. How do we protect your information?
Vision Fairs is committed to data security and will take the appropriate technical and organizational
measures to ensure that your Personal Information is treated securely. If you subscribe to access our
premium content (and, accordingly, enter payment details), Vision Fairs offers the use of a secure server.
The secure server software encrypts all information which you input before it is sent to Vision Fairs.
Vision Fairs takes steps to guard against unauthorized access to the Personal Information of the users of
the Websites. Although it makes every effort to create a secure environment for your Personal
Information, Vision Fairs cannot guarantee the safety of any Personal Information which is transmitted to
us on-line and/or via email as, unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not
completely secure. Although Vision Fairs will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to
protect your Personal Information, any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your
information, we will use appropriate technical and organizational measures to try to prevent unauthorized
We will only keep your Personal Information for as long as we reasonably require it and, in any event, only
for as long as the Egyptian Data Protection Law allows.
Where Vision Fairs has given you (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access
certain parts of the Websites, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not
to share a password with anyone.
8. Contacting us
If you have any questions or concerns about Vision Fair’s use of your Personal Information, please email
us at info@visionfairs.com